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Sacred Light Temple of MD


The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland Constitution


Temple Head:  Rev. Zaina Katherina Ghazzoul

Article I:  Name and Purpose​

Section 1.1 – The name of the organization shall be The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland, or as stated herein, the Temple.

Section 1.2 – The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland exists to provide a non-threatening, supportive environment for Pagans, nature spiritualists, Goddess worshipers and others of a like or open mind in which to exchange idea and practices.

Section 1.3 – Our primary mission is to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment in which people can meet, learn and to discuss their spirituality, regardless of what it may involve, without the threat of ridicule or reprisals.

Section 1.4 – We welcome anyone who is willing to have an open mind and is willing to study  Wicca, and strive to give the best possible guidance.

Section 1.5 – We provide occasional opportunities for group worship with an attempt to accommodate the spirituality of each individual who participates.

Section 1.6 – We will provide information regarding our spirituality to any that ask, and attempt to correct any misconceptions about our spirituality that we may encounter.

Section 1.7 – We welcome all individuals or groups who may be curious about our spirituality, and will answer, to the best of our abilities, any questions openly and honestly.

Section 1.8 – We do not engage in proselytizing of any kind, as we feel that each individual must be allowed to seek and find their path.

Section 1.9 – We consider discrimination based on race, creed, disability, nationality, sex, sexual preference, or religious belief highly offensive.

Article II:  Membership​

Section 2.1 – The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender, handicapped status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or weight.

Section 2.2 – If any persons wishing to become a member of the Temple, and whom are under the age of 18, parental/guardians signature is needed.

Section 2.3 – A member remains in good standing by adhering to the rules of The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland and as stated in this Constitution.

Section 2.4 – A member may be asked to leave the Temple on the basis that they cause disruption and/or defamation to the Temple, or as stated in this Constitution.

Section 2.5 – General Members
General members shall be any qualifying person who wishes to join the The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland, be it online or in person.

Section 2.6 – Active Members
Active members shall be any qualified person who attends at least nine meetings during the current quarter of the year, or who maintains a monthly presence at most meetings.  There are weekly study groups, which for each quarter will be 12 meetings, (48 meetings per year).

Section 2.7 – Membership Fees
There will be an annual membership fee of $45.00 per member or $68.00 for family.  All members shall be eligible for membership of the Temple upon payment of the membership fees.  The Temple Membership Fee shall be paid annually, and/or quarterly and shall be determined by the Temple Head.

Section 2.8 – Membership shall not be limited by any factor other than the ability to study and discuss topics in an open, non-judgmental and polite manner.  The membership may include all members of The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland, students and clergy members.  Participants shall either be General Members or Active Members.


Section 3.1 – There shall be two accounts in the name of The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland at the Bank of their choice.  The accounts shall be a Checking and Savings Account with debt card and pay-pal capabilities.

Section 3.2 – All funds of the Temple shall be kept in the Temples Bank account and appropriated only by the purchase and/or the sale of any Temple materials and/or expenses.

Section 3.3 – The Temple Head, shall keep proper books of account for the Temple and shall prepare such statements of the Temple’s financial affairs as required.  The Temple’s books shall be kept at the Temple Heads Home and will be accessed only by those persons nominated by the Temple Head.

Section 3.4 – The financial year of the Temple shall be from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.

Section 3.5 – The Temple Head shall prepare at the close of each financial year a statement of the Temple’s financial affairs which shall become Document of Record.


Section 4.1 – The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland shall be directed by a elected Board of Directors.  Initial Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Temple Head.

Section 4.2 – The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland Board of Directors shall consist of, Priesident (Temple Head), Vice President (Co- Temple Head), and the Director of Records.


Section 5.1 – Frequency of study groups shall be bi-monthly, or more frequently as determined by the membership-at large.


Section 6.1 – In situations not covered by this document, the Temple’s by-laws may be invoked.  Any member may do this, however it should be reserved for extreme cases.


Section 7.1 – There will be NO alcohol or illegal drug use permitted at any Temple hosted meeting, Sabbat, festival, or other event.

Section 7.2 – Anyone who attends a Temple hosted event while obviously under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be told to leave that event immediately.  Clauses section 7.1 and 7.2 does not pertain to private parties.

Section 7.3 – ONLY EXCEPTION There will be only one exception to this article, if the alcohol to be consumed is for the ritual purposes only.


Section 8.1 – Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any active member in good standing, and may be presented at any meeting.

Section 8.2 – Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by, or to the discretion of the Temple Head and the Board of Directors.

Section 8.3 – The constitution and by-laws of the Temple may be amended by the nominated Board of Directors and approved by the Temple Head.  All amendments and revisions shall be submitted to the Director of Records to be recorded with the appropriate organizations.

President/Temple Head:  Rev. Zaina Katherina Ghazzoul
Director of Finance/Co-Head:  Pending new appointment
Director of Records:  Pending new appointment


Temple By-Laws

The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland By-Laws


1. The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland, exists to provide a place for people to learn about and participate in the Earth Based religions, including and not limiting to the Correllian Tradition.

A. The Clerical Membership of The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland is dedicated to advancing the Wiccan religion and community, particularly but not exclusively Correllian Wicca.

B. The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland will hold rituals on the Sabbats and Esbats and other special occasions, in order to celebrate the seasons, works of magic, recognize rites of passage, and honor the Lord and the Lady.

C. The Sacred Light Temple of Maryland will teach a variety of Wiccan Beliefs including Correllian Wicca and traditional skills to members and students, both in the Craft and in kindred paths; and where appropriate to educate the general public about Wicca.

2. The Sacred Light Temple is a member of the Correllian Tradition, and gives allegiance to that Tradition and its leadership.


A. All members of this Temple must have fully committed themselves to this purpose in their beliefs, their actions, and their lives.  Ours is an open Temple, and people are welcome at our public ceremonies.  It requires no great commitment to attend and share the joy of the Lord and Lady.  But to be a clerical member of the Temple is more than this, and requires a full commitment.

B. Members are Enjoined To;

1. Live in a manner which honors the Lord and Lady, following the Wiccan Rede; “Do as you will, but harm none.”

2. Explore and practice Wiccan beliefs and traditions, with a primary focus on the Correllian Tradition.

3. Support one another within the Temple in our healing, growth, and aspirations.

4. Honor the Earth and all Her creatures as sacred, and work to heal and protect the environment within our community, throughout our nation, and around the world.

5. Respect our Pagan clergy, especially but not exclusively Correllian Wiccan clergy.


A. Qualifications for Membership in the Temple.

1. Membership in the clergy of a Correllian Temple is by invitation only and may be offered to qualified individuals by the Board of Director upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess or Chief Priest.

2. The Board of Directors may, upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess or Chief Priest, recognize Clerical candidates existing training and or Degree from another Tradition, but is in no way bound to do so.

3. If a Clerical candidate possesses a Degree from another Correllian Temple the Board of Directors must recognize the Degree, but is not bound to accept the Candidate.  Should such a Candidate be accepted for membership, the Board is free to impose whatever additional requirements it may deem fit on an individual basis, such as remedial study if it is judged needed, to bring the candidate in line with the full requirements of this Temple.

4. No person shall be denied membership in either the Outer Court or the Inner Court of the Correllian Temple because of gender*, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, physical handicap, previous religious association, or age (provided that they have attained the age of legal majority).  Candidates for membership who have not attained the age of legal majority may be considered for membership only at the request of their parents or guardians.  (* An exception re gender is made in the case of Temples which have been specifically chartered to explore Women’s or Men’s Mysteries as a primary focus.)

B. Categories of Memberships

1. There shall be two categories of membership in any Correllian Temple; members of the Inner Court, and members of the Outer Court.  The Inner Court of the Temple shall be composed of initiates who form its Clergy and administrators, and are expected to maintain an active and on-going participation in the Temple.  Members of the Outer Court shall be composed of non-initiates who are welcome to attend and take part in Temple functions, or who are training for initiation into the clergy.  Registered members of the Outer Court are considered full members of the Tradition and their status in this sense is in no way inferior to that of the initiated Clergy, only different in regard to role and function.

2. Degrees of Outer Court Participation in a Correllian Temple for non-initiates:

A. Outer Court Member:  Persons who regularly attend the Temple functions and wish to maintain an official connection to the Temple, but do not desire initiation into the Clergy.  Outer Court Members must attend at least 80% of the Temple’s public rituals, and are not eligible to attend Inner Court rituals.  Outer Court status may be given only upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest and the approval of the Board of Directors.  Being a Member at Large of the Outer Court of the Correllian Tradition does not of itself guarantee acceptance as an Outer Court member of any given Correllian Temple.

B. Dedicants:  Persons who have dedicated themselves to the Temple for a period of one year and one day to study the path of the Wicca and the Correllian Tradition according to the requirements of the Temple.  After the period of one year and one day the Dedicant may apply for initiation into the Clergy, or withdraw from further study.

C. Friends of the Temple:  Persons who are not initiates of the Temple, but who are welcome to attend Temple rituals normally reserved to members.  Friend to the Temple status is by invitation only and may be given only upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess and or Chief
Priest and the approval of the Board of Directors.

3. Degrees of Inner Court Participation in the Correllian Temples for initiates of the Temple:

A. Initiates of the First Degree:  Those persons who have met the criteria for the first level of the Clergy as defined by the Board of Directors, and have been duly initiated by the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest of the Temple.  These requirements shall normally include having been active in the Temple for a minimum of one year and one day, and the successful completion of the First Degree classes or their equivalent as mandated by the Temple – however neither of these accomplishments shall in and of them-selves automatically entitle a Candidate to initiation.  Initiation into the First Degree clergy of the Temple may be given only upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest and the approval of the Board of Directors.

B. Initiates of the Second Degree:  Persons who have been active in the Temple as First Degree Clergy for at least one year and one day, and who have met all requirements for advancement to the Second Degree as defined by the Board of Directors, and have been duly initiated by the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest of the Temple.  These requirements may include successful completion of classes for the Second Degree as mandated by the Temple, as well as demonstrated proficiency and leadership in ritual and Temple activities – However neither of these shall in and of themselves automatically entitle a Candidate to Second Degree initiation.  Initiation into the Second Degree clergy of the Temple may be given only upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest and the approval of the Board of Directors.

C. Initiates of the Third Degree:  Those person who, having been active in the Temple as Second Degree Clergy for at least one year and one day, and who have met all requirements for acclamation to the Third Degree as defined by the Board of Directors, and have been duly initiated by the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest of the Temple.  These requirements may include demonstrated proficiency in energy working, ritual design and leadership, teaching, counseling, group process and administration, but none of these in and of themselves guarantee initiation into the Third Degree.  Initiation into the Third Degree clergy of the Temple may be given only upon the recommendation of the Chief Priestess and or Chief Priest and the approval of the Board of Directors.

4. Guidelines for Conduct:​

A. All members, Dedicants, Clergy, and Officers of the Temple shall be guided in their conduct by the Wiccan Rede, the Law of Return, the Holy City Temple Rules, and the Goddess and God within each person.  It is expected that all persons involved with the Temple shall conduct themselves in a manner which is a credit to the Temple and to the Correllian Tradition.

B. Dedicants and Clergy are expected to participate in Esbats, Sabbats and classes.  If  any attends fewer than 80% of these, their status shall be subject to review by the Board

5. Privacy of Members:

A. The addresses, phone numbers, and other confidential information of members will not be disclosed without their express permission.

B. All reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the privacy of members.  The Temple is a public institution, and people who are afraid to be publicly identified as Wiccan may not be comfortable here.  However if a member so requests, we will be happy to identify them only by a Craft Name.  But the responsibility for maintaining this Craft Name must be understood to be on the member, not on the Temple.  Temple clergy will use the designated craft name, but it is up to the member to refrain from disclosing their given name to other members or otherwise compromising their privacy.  Temple members are expressly NOT forbidden to mention names, though they are expected to use common sense.


A. Board of Directors:  This body shall handle the ordinary business of the Temple. Positions on the Board of Directors are as follow;

1. Temple Head.  Each Correllian Temple shall have a single Head of Temple created by charter of the Tradition.  Ordinarily the Head of the Temple shall be the Chief Priestess of the Temple, or the Chief Priest.  At the discretion of the Tradition however the Headship of a Temple may be held by its Chief Director.  The Temple Head is responsible for the day to day running of the Temple, and also represents the Temple to the Tradition.  Each Temple head in the Tradition shall have a seat upon the Witan Council, when it shall occasion to be convened.  The founding Head of the Temple is responsible for the creation of the Temples initial Board of Directors.  A chartered Temple Head may only be removed by the Tradition’s revocation of the charter.  Ordinarily the office of Head of Temple is limited to members of the Third Degree, or High Priesthood; however in the founding of a Temple, or in other circumstances as shall please the Correllian Tradition to so charter, a person of any standing may serve as Temple Head provided they are under the imperium of a Third Degree Sponsor who shall have responsibility for their conduct in office.  In the expected event that such a one later attains the Third Degree of Clergy, all initiations conducted by them shall be considered to count under their lineage.  If however such a one does not in time attain to the Third Degree, their initiates may count their lineage from the Sponsor.

2. Co-Head of Temple.  The Head of Temple may name a Co-Head of Temple to assist in the daily running of the Temple.  The Co-Head of Temple shall be considered to have equal dignity with the Head of Temple, but is not protected by charter of the Tradition.  Ordinarily the Head and Co-Head of a Temple shall be its Chief Priestess and Chief Priest (or vice versa).  In meetings of the Witan Council the Head and Co-Head of the Temple may both attend, but the Temple may have only one vote.

3. Chief Director.  A Temple must have no less than three members on its Board of Directors.  Ordinarily these shall be the Chief Priestess, Chief Priest, and Chief Director.  The duty of the Chief Director of the Temple is to maintain the Temple’s records and effects in good order, and to represent it to the Correllian Directorate.  The Chief Director shall supply all documents and information required by the Directorate to ensure the Temple’s continued place in the Tradition.  However we recognize that is in the nature of circumstances that the office of Chief Director may not always be separate from that of Temple Head or Co-Head.  When it shall be the case that the office of Chief Director is filled by the Head or Co-Head of the Temple, then the third place required for the Board of Directors shall be filled by a Director in ordinary.

4. Directors in ordinary or simply Directors.  These are persons who have been chosen to help run the Temple in the office of Directors.  The Temple may have as many Directors as it pleases, whose duties it may assign according to its pleasure.  Membership in the board of Directors shall be at the invitation of the existing Board.  It may be granted to any member of the Temple deemed worthy.  Candidates for invitation to the Board must be sponsored by a Board member and unanimously accepted by the remainder of the existing Board.

5. Additional offices may exist within the Temple at the discretion of the Board, to facilitate the smooth running of the temple, but have no standing on the Board in or of themselves.  Such offices may include Maiden Priestess, Cadet Priest, Scribe, Gatekeeper, etc…

6. The Board shall discuss all matters of;

A. Program Planning and activities.

B. Dedication, initiation, and membership generally.

C. Finance and Budget.

D. Outreach, network, and affiliations.

7. Finances.

A. The Temple income shall include donations, profits from fundraising projects, class fees, and Clergy, Dedicant, Member and guest contributions

.B. All required forms and reports shall be filed with state and federal governments so as to maintain the Temple’s legal status.  This is ordinarily the responsibility of the Chief Director, or else the Head of Temple.

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