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Sacred Light Temple of Md

Degree Classes


3rd Degree Syllabus
The schedule of Lessons is as follows:

0 –Introduction
In which we set forth what you can expect from the Third Degree Lessons as a whole.

I –Standards and Behavior: What it means to be Third Degree
In which we discuss at greater length what is expected of the High Priesthood in the conduct of office, in networking with the Pagan and non-Pagan communities, and in generally upholding the
honor of the Third Degree.

II –Presentation: Extemporaneous ritual, public speaking and networking
In which we discuss various techniques necessary to create an effective presence in ritual and elsewhere.

III –Astral Travel and Shape Shifting
In which we will discuss the ancient art of out of body travel, and its several applications.

IV –Remote Viewing and Working
In which we will discuss the technique of working psychically with subjects who are physically far away.

V –The Nature of the Soul
In which we will discuss in greater depth the structure of the Soul and incarnation, and the fluidity and mutability of what we are pleased to consider reality.

VI –The Nature of Time
In which we will consider the illusory nature of time and the ways in which this illusion can be bent and otherwise worked with.

VII –The Ennead
In which we will discuss the nature of the Monad, the Ennead, and the process of creation and re-union with Deity: how all is One differentiated through a succession of spiritual stages.

VIII –Karmic Disentanglement:  Past lives, Soul retrieval, and Akasha.
In which we will discuss how Karma is built and how it may be discharged through various techniques.

IX –Spirit Messages and Drawing Down the Moon
In which we will discuss the importance of the High Priest/ess’ role as Oracle and the process through which this is accomplished, together with the strengths and weaknesses of this art and the necessary cautions which accompany its use.

X –Conscious Incarnation and Evolution: Crafting the future.
In which we will discuss a process dear to the heart and central to the mission of the Correllian Tradition: molding the future through multi-generational incarnations.

XI –Problems and Solutions in Group Working and Temple Management
In which we will discuss the unique challenges and rewards of working with a group, and the special application of these considerations to the Temple.

XII –Wicca: Where do we go from here?
In which we will examine the challenges which face the Wiccan community in the future: the needs which we must rise to fill in the next generation, and the pitfalls we must strive to avoid.

In addition to the written materials there are also a number of other requirements in the form of papers and projects which will need to be completed.

There will be three projects required:

1.  The first project, required after Lesson 3, is a biographical road-map of your life up to the present:

2.  The second project, required after Lesson 6, is to create and teach a class on an approved subject:

3.  The final project, required after Lesson 9, is to plan and carry out a public event.

Your Mentor can explain the requirements for each project in detail.

If interested in more information or registering for this class click on the email button below

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