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Sacred Light Temple of MD

Degree Classes


1st Degree Syllabus​

The schedule of Lessons is as follows:

About the Class

This class last for a year and a day.  Each Lesson is taught over a month with a test at the end of each lesson.
Participation in online class sessions is required either in a chat session or in live stream such as skype, (webcab session)

There are exercises with each lesson that must be practiced over the month and journaled.

Attendance is required and if you must miss a class it is the students’ responsibility to notify Lady Katherina in advance and to make arrangements for turning in missed assignments. 

As we move on into the class the students will participate in ritual preparation, calling quarters and other responsibilities related to ritual and energy work.

This class is for serious students

Syllabus below


1) Magic.
The first lesson is about magic; what it is, what it is not, and how to use it.

2) Cosmology.
This lesson talks about the nature of Deity, Universal energy, and the soul.

3) Personal power,
This lesson explains the Psychic Tide, the Wheel of the Year, and what these have to do with you.

4) The Altar.
This lesson talks about the altar; how and why to build and use your own.

5) The Airts.
This lesson tells about the Four Quarters, the elements, and all of their magical associations.

6) The Circle of Art.
This lesson talks about the nature of ritual and its uses.

7) Invocation.
This lesson talks about the nature of “The Gods” and how to interact with them, and identify or choose your own special patron.

8) Garb.
This lesson is about magical tools and clothing.

9) Symbols, Omens and Divination.
This lesson, as you might imagine, is about how to interpret symbols and omens.

10) Basic Energy Work.
This lesson is about working with the spiritual energy of the body, and of living things.

11) Herbs, Oils and Incense.
This lesson is about the history, nature, and uses of oils and incense.

12) Stones and Crystals.
The final lesson introduces you to the rich world of stones and crystals.

In addition to the above classes, those following the Clergy Track are responsible and required to take the following classes.

The requirements for First Degree clergy are:

1.  The Correllian Lessons for First Degree
2.  Final Examination (with an 80% or higher grade)
3.  The Five Mystic Secrets
4.  Correllian Philosophy
5.  Correllian Ministry

The following documentation also needs to be submitted:

1. Auto-biographical paper
2. Two Essays
3. Two forms of Identification with photographs (Passport and ID or drivers license)
4. Regular Attendance is required
5. Participation in Rituals (online for those students not in the area)
6. Application for First Degree Clergy

If interested in more information or registering for this class click on the email button below

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